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During the pandemic, millions of samples were taken from the household to the laboratory to undergo RT-PCR test to detect the SARS-Cov-2 following the government requirements for different reasons in the United Kingdom. It is believed that accurate…
The wide use of antibiotics as well as the delayed usage regulations has led to the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) worldwide.
Promising antibacterial agents to overcome AMR are synthetic antimicrobial polymers, which mimic the activity of…
This URSS project guided by Professor Mark Philp, is the transcription and digitisation of this 1779 travel diary that Catherine Hutton wrote at the age of 23, in which she describes her experience of staying and interacting with various extended…
The aim of this project is to evaluate the chemical stability of OER electrodes by understanding the effects of different variables. Two different substrates,
namely, hematite and titanium were tested. A ruthenium electrocatalyst was deposited onto…
Two lines of Arabidopsis thaliana are studied in Dr Breeze’s lab. One is GFP-HDEL which is a control line of Arabidopsis, whilst the other is GFP-CXN a genetically modified line that overexpresses a domain of chaperone protein called calnexin in its…